Verb and Collective Noun Agreement

Verbs and collective noun agreement are key components of effective written communication. When we write, it’s important to ensure that all our words and phrases are in agreement, as this aids readability and comprehension. Let’s take a closer look at what collective nouns are, why they’re important, and how to use them correctly.

Collective Nouns:

A collective noun is one that refers to a group of individuals or things as a single entity. Examples of collective nouns include team, family, jury, committee, and class. When we use collective nouns, we need to pay attention to the agreement between the noun and the verb that follows it. For example, if we’re referring to a committee, we might say, “The committee is meeting today” rather than “The committee are meeting today.”

Singular or Plural:

The key to using collective nouns correctly is to determine whether the noun is singular or plural. In some cases, the noun may be treated as either singular or plural, depending on the context. For example, if we’re referring to a sports team, we might say, “The team is playing well today,” or “The team are all wearing their new uniforms.”

Singular and plural are important because they establish the relationship between the verb and collective noun. In other words, if the collective noun is singular, the verb must also be singular, while if the noun is plural, the verb must be plural as well.

Subject-Verb Agreement:

Subject-verb agreement is critical in all forms of writing. Verbs must match their subjects in both person and number. When we’re using a collective noun as the subject of a sentence, we need to ensure that the verb is in agreement with it. If the collective noun is singular, we use a singular verb. If the noun is plural, we use a plural verb.

For example, “The committee is meeting today” uses a singular verb because the committee is a singular noun. “The team are wearing new uniforms” uses a plural verb because the team is a plural noun.


In summary, verb and collective noun agreement is crucial in effective writing. Collective nouns refer to groups of individuals or things, and it’s essential to use them correctly in order to convey your meaning accurately. The key is to determine whether the noun is singular or plural, and then to use a verb that agrees with it in number. With a little practice, you’ll be using collective nouns and verbs with ease, improving the readability and comprehension of your writing along the way.