Tenancy Agreement Norway


If you`re looking to rent a property in Norway, signing a tenancy agreement is an essential step. A tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant.

In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the key information you need to know about tenancy agreements in Norway.

1. Duration of the Tenancy Agreement:

In Norway, the standard duration of a tenancy agreement is three years. However, you can sign a shorter or longer agreement with your landlord if both parties agree to it.

2. Renewal of the Tenancy Agreement:

After the end of the tenancy agreement, the landlord can offer to renew the agreement. If the tenant agrees to renew the agreement, the new agreement will have the same terms and conditions as the original agreement. However, the landlord can revise the rental terms if they want to.

3. Rent Payment:

The tenancy agreement should specify the rent payment details. Rent is usually paid on the first day of each month, and the payment method should be agreed upon by both parties.

4. Security Deposit:

The landlord typically requires a security deposit from the tenant at the start of the tenancy. The security deposit is usually equal to three months` rent. It is refundable at the end of the tenancy, provided there`s no damage to the property.

5. Termination of the Agreement:

The tenancy agreement can be terminated by the landlord or tenant with a notice period of three months. The notice period can be longer, depending on the agreement between the landlord and tenant.

6. Subletting:

A tenant is not allowed to sublet the property without the landlord`s permission. If the tenant sublets the property without permission, the landlord can terminate the tenancy agreement.

7. Maintenance and Repairs:

The landlord is responsible for maintaining and repairing the property, while the tenant is responsible for keeping the property clean and tidy during the tenancy.

8. Insurance:

The landlord should have a property insurance policy in place to cover any damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods. The tenant is responsible for getting their own contents insurance to cover their personal belongings.

9. Utilities:

The tenancy agreement should specify who is responsible for paying for utilities such as electricity, water, and heating. In most cases, the tenant is responsible for paying for their own utilities.

10. Breach of the Agreement:

If the tenant breaches the tenancy agreement, the landlord can terminate the agreement. Breaches could include non-payment of rent, damage to the property, or unauthorized subletting.


Signing a tenancy agreement is an essential step when renting a property in Norway. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant, as well as the terms and conditions of the rental. Make sure to read the agreement carefully and ask questions if you have any doubts.