Interviews and photos can be utilized as evidence primary in the case of the first-hand witness or participant in a historical incident.

The factors that caused confusion on the GP level included those of the gender that were present in the GP (recovered from the SIAM database) as well as the effectiveness of vaginal samples (as as a binary variable) within the GP office based on phone surveys, as detailed in a paper from the past (8). We’ll create a custom Essay on the Concept of Studying History specifically for you! Take your first essay for 15% off. It was the European Deprivation Index (EDI) (12) was the indicator of socio-economic impact used.

Chronology is the primary focus of historians. This EDI represents an environmental indicator which reflects the personal deprivation experiences of the entire population within an area, based on census data. It aids in identify the order in which the events that occurred.

The calculation of EDI was based on the development of an individual deprivation index that was associated with subjective and objective poverty, as well as the determination of the fundamental necessities of people. A time-line helps in the division of the numbers of years that have occurred in a certain period of history which makes the findings more reliable and accurate. This initial phase was carried out with the help of the European survey specifically designed for studies of poverty (EU-SILC: European Union–Statistics on Living and Income) in order to establish no standard of deprivation that is gold-standard. In the process of analyzing evidences from the course of a study on history, various research methods are employed. The next step was to define and classify the variables and codes in a similar manner both at an individual level (EU-SILC) and within the census data.

These include the search for and examination of primary and secondary sources. Variables related to the deprivation indicators for each individual were then identified and weighted with multiple-variate logistic regression. Primary sources are personal accounts of people who were present at or witnessed an incident. The regression coefficients for the variables included for the end-to-end model then changed into the weights of the 10 variables, which were analyzed in aggregate, in the ecological index. They may be as documents written by those whom were among the initial witnesses to the occasion. These variables include overcrowding, not having access to a system of central or electrical heating homeownership and unemployment, foreign nationals inaccessibility to a car, non-skilled farmer-worker, household of more than six members in it, education levels that are low and single-parent households. Other official documents could also be used as evidence that is first-hand.

The EDI is then defined as the weighted amount of these 10 variables which define the essential necessities that arise from both subjective and objective poverty, normalized to national average, and generally separated into quintiles (national as well as regional). Interviews and photos can be utilized as evidence primary in the case of the first-hand witness or participant in a historical incident. These were considered to be the most limited available Census units for statistical purposes that were available in France (IRIS) that allowed the possibility of an infra-municipal-study scale. Secondary sources However, secondary sources can be records or accounts that were created by individuals who didn’t take part in the events (Fernandez-Armesto 133/113).

The each GP procedure was allocated an IRIS along with the estimated EDI of the IRIS was calculated. They include those whom were never directly affected or directly affected by the incidents. Additionally (10) We have shown the strong connection between the EDI with CCS. Information from these sources is termed secondary information. CCS rate. Yet, secondary sources depend in large part on primary sources. The EDI is a mediator on the CCS rate of uptake.

They include documents such as biographies, histories and encyclopedias, just to mention just a few (Fernandez-Armesto 99). The amount of patients cared for by the doctor was not examined as we have established that it does not have any correlation with the screening rate for CC (8). Secondary sources provide historians with more options in their studies and assist in the consolidation of pertinent details. It is important to note that the age of the doctor has not been considered , though it seems to be linked to the rate of screening as it is associated with the age of the patients, and younger female patients tend to be more likely to participate in cervical cancer screening as compared to patients who are older (13 and 14). The credibility of the source is vital and historians have an obligation to make sure that each source utilized is trustworthy. The reason for this is because young doctors are typically female than older GPs.

The reason behind this is that often, especially when using secondary sources, writers may be biased. Additionally, screening smear performance may be related to their gender as well. Without reliable sources of information writers may write about events that they believe, to them they believe were significant, and then determine on their own who played a major role (Fernandez-Armesto 150). GP as previously demonstrated (8) but there was no influence on the CCS rate in a multivariate review. This opens the door to biases and false accounts of an event. It is the gender of the GP and the effectiveness of smears thus appeared to be adequate substitute variables.

This is why it is the reason thorough background checks of the sources utilized is vital (Fernandez-Armesto 49). Size of the study. Sources that are reliable provide historians with trustworthy information about a particular event however the opposite is the case for sources that are not verified and trustworthy. This study was carried out on a population-wide basis without any sampling. This paper clearly defines the main tools used when investigating historical occasions. Analysis and statistics. The significance and reasons behind the past have been well stated in this article, including how a timeline can be used in order to follow the historical events that have were happening.

Continuous qualitative variables are presented as mean + Standard deviation (SD) and medians [interquartile interval (IQR)as well as categorical variables appear in terms of frequency and percentages. Are you unsure whether you can write a piece on Concept of Studying History by yourself? We can help you with that for just $16.05 1$ per page. In this study, there were two levels for the data: the GP’s individual degree (GP’s gender and their performance in smears), and the final outcome "the screening for cervical cancer participation rate for GPs who have listed as female eligible patients") which were interspersed within the geographic level (variable EDI as well as the number of Gynecologists in a particular distance) since patients of GPs working in the same location (IRIS) have similar characteristics. The paper also discusses how two information sources can be used used when looking at historical events, and their various shortcomings as well as their efficiency. The connection between CCS rate and the distance between the offices of gynaecologists was studied with a linear generalized hybrid model. In the paper, the study of history offers an overview of the past that is crucial in knowing the present and in preparing for the next (Thompson and Holm 60).).

The statistical model is based on the hierarchical structure that is present in the data. Works Referred to. The analysis was carried out without adjustments and with adjustments in accordance with factors that characterize the different GPs as well as the socioeconomic status considered as a mediator (EDI).

Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. All tests of statistical significance were conducted with two sides and conducted on levels below the 0.05 level. The World: A History Combined Volume. Data were analyzed using SAS program (r) Version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). London, UK: Pearson, 2009. Bioethics.

Print. The protocol for this trial is accessible via Clinical Trials under the reference NCT02749110. Thompson, James Westfall, and Bernard Holm. The trial is approved by Caen’s ethics committee North West III of Caen under the reference 2015-23 on March 2, 2016. A History of Historical Writing Beginning with the earliest days through the 17th century. Michigan, US: University of Michigan in 2006.

Studying history today. Print. The excitement surrounding the latest discoveries from Pompeii has me thinking about the following questions What is the reason I should study the history of the past? Do the knowledge of the past, like those of the Peloponnesian War, the devastation of Pompeii and the rising and falling of the Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt do they really have any significance today? We do live in an age in which the average person is able to have, through the Internet immediate access to an abundance of information available on demand and sourced from all over the world at a speed and in a volume that was unimaginable for those who lived only a few years back. The Cultural Perspective of History. The Contribution to Human Knowledge.

Transform the history of our past into an exciting and engaging investigation for students. How does the ancient past help us understand human advancement as well as the next generation? The most common response is that it helps us identify the mistakes of the past in order to avoid repeating mistakes to online come back in the near future. Cultural Approach Cultural Approach helps bring history to life and inspires students to consider "how" as well as "why" things happened instead of merely recalling dates and names they’ll soon forget. The study of ancient history helps us to comprehend where we’ve been from and the reason we’re here.

Cultural Approach Cultural Approach transforms history from dull, monotonous memorization into an engaging and thrilling investigation through the application of anthropological methods in the study of the past.


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